Monday, April 19, 2010

I started this blog....

because I figured my friends were completely sick and tired of reading the day to day struggles my husband -- and therefore I by default -- endure living with Parkinsons.

It's an ugly diagnosis.  Of course his neurologist assured us it's not life threatening -- just life altering.

Boy that's quite the understatement.

Life altering.  Falling asleep in separate beds because of the restless sleep that happens.  Cleaning up broken glass when dyskenesia rears its ugly head.  Searching -- often in vain -- for coping tools for the most mundane of tasks.

It's been 2 years 6 months since the diagnosis.  It seems a lifetime has happened in that time.  Daily I see the things he could do and no longer can.  Daily I see the progression of the disease and the regression of Jon.

Daily my heart breaks because there is nothing I can do.

Again this is just simply my journey through life with a spouse diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease.  Sometimes I may laugh at the strangeness of the symptoms or the physical reactions they cause (like bouncing plates) but I am never laughing at him.  It's brutal, it's ugly, and it steals your dignity along with your mobility.  The saddest fact of all is that I'm familiar with the course this will take.  I have provided direct care for patients with Parkinsons.  I know where it will eventually lead.  Just please, please not too soon..........